Hexer Plague Mask
Novice Y'golonac Hat
Novice Flaming Albino Wolf Hat
Hexer Giant Eye Mask
Harrower Floppy Hat
Yig Visored Barbute
Demonologist Visored Barbute
R'lyeh Thin Cape
R'lyeh Ritual Robe
Novice Gothic Plate Armor
Yig Embroidered Armor
Dissembler Heavy Plated Vambraces
R'lyeh Scaled Hide Vambraces
Kingsport Heavy Scaled Gauntlets
Novice Belted Trousers
R'lyeh Elaborate Leggings
Xoth Elaborate Leggings
Novice Laminate Greaves
R'lyeh Plated Sabatons
Astronomer Armored Sabatons
Sorcerer Tome of Lore
Astronomer Tome of Lore
Maledictor Large Sack
Iod Sling Bag
Elysia Shrunken Head
Xoth Shrunken Head
Conjurer Shrunken Head
Dissembler Strapped Skull
Novice Signalling Mirror
R'lyeh Leather Whip
Kingsport Large Strapped Pack
Astronomer Camping Kit
Diabolist Macabre Banner
Augurer Maiden Wings
Shaman Deer Antlers
Soulslayer Horns of the Fiend
Dissembler Gothic Crest
Enchanter Crux
Summanus Tribal King Plumes
R'lyeh Spiked Lupine Pads
Demonologist Lupine Hide Pads
Astrologer Guards of The Lioness
Astronomer Guards of The Lioness
Augurer Ceremonial Skull Mask