Havok Mk. II

Rare Computer
Credit Value: $97,200
Battleship-Class Ships
-0.3s Movement Cooldown
+12.5 Hit Chance
-4% Damage Reduction

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  33

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
boots Atlas Corporation The Pits Lock 0
bstinson Atlas Corporation The Pits Lock 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
5/30/2017 DarkLight Z3PHYR 59 $13,310 Green
4/11/2016 (Noob) St0rm11 90 $50,000 Gray
6/9/2015 dyson garikeeper 100 $200,000 Red
2/3/2015 Detox IzzVicious 55 $194,400 Red
1/24/2015 (Noob) Tain 88 $160,000 Blue