Basilisk XV

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $90,900
100 to 200 Damage / 6 Seconds
+3 Critical Chance
+4.5 Hit Chance
+12 Splash Chance
+3 Stun Chance

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  31
Faction: Wyrd Empire
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
2/3/2016 (Noob) (Noob) 100 $20,000 Blue
1/21/2016 (Noob) (Noob) 100 $9,091 Blue
11/8/2015 (Noob) USA 21 $5,000 Blue
9/24/2015 (Noob) (Noob) 47 $49,999 Gray
9/11/2015 MUFC (Noob) 47 $12,100 Gray