Basilisk III

Ultra-Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $206,000
52 to 104 Damage / 6 Seconds
+4 Critical Chance
+6 Hit Chance
+16 Splash Chance
+4 Stun Chance

Requires Level 15

Item Score:  69
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
bloodlust87 0
clickman1231 0
Dreadnought1 0
Gandalf1 ThorinandCo Men of Chaos 0
IbFlairkus 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
11/14/2020 PACMAN750 XxFnResinxX 100 $150,000 Green
10/26/2020 CaldarX Nepeta 49 $69,000 Red
7/12/2020 jI9x4yL8gvBa PBRStGang 55 $75,000 Gray
4/11/2020 muddblower ShadoWarior 33 $9,951 Gray
8/4/2017 Gammagoblin FluidCombo 101 $250,000 Gray