Prophecy XIV

Ultra-Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $210,400
272 to 544 Damage / 17 Seconds
Repairs 4% of Max Hull / 30 Seconds

+12 Resource Capacity
+14% Metal Hull Repair
+4% XP Gain
+12 Grapple Resist

Requires Level 15

Item Score:  71
Faction: Heteroclite
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
10/15/2020 muddblower (Noob) 37 $9,419 Gray
11/21/2016 freakshow Shane2016 100 $23,144 Red
11/16/2016 Keem3140 QUANTEMLEAP 51 $175,000 Gray
7/10/2016 sixty7pearls Keem3140 51 $90,000 Gray
6/22/2015 77ru (Noob) 70 $110,000 Gray