Agony IX

Ultra-Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $208,400
202 to 404 Damage / 16 Seconds
Repairs 4% of Max Hull / 30 Seconds

+200 Hull Capacity
+14% Metal Hull Repair
+8 Evasion
+12 Stun Resist

Requires Level 15

Item Score:  70
Faction: Heteroclite

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
Greystone 0
Mistbourne 0
spicelord 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
8/16/2020 (Noob) pickles9878 100 $150,000 Gray
2/9/2020 MUFC n000b 80 $16,673 Gray
1/22/2020 Balorseye Adanthalion 86 $80,000 Gray
5/27/2017 pooperdookle niksant 60 $32,210 Gray
5/10/2017 assramer Mistbourne 100 $85,000 Red