Rapture XI

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $89,700
42 to 84 Damage / 3 Seconds
Repairs 3% of Max Hull / 30 Seconds

+9 Resource Capacity
+75 Hull Capacity
+9% Metal Hull Repair
+3 Stun Resist
+3 Grapple Resist

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  30
Faction: Heteroclite

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
CaptCrummond 0
ImTheMan 0
Infinite27 0
Nan01 DogSoldiers Stoner Dissension 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
2/23/2022 (Noob) Ossloy 100 $25,000 Gray
3/5/2021 Ossloy elis1608 100 $199,000 Gray
2/14/2021 muddblower (Noob) 21 $3,334 Gray
2/13/2021 queendean Ossloy 100 $20,000 Gray
9/4/2020 antm3 Clipper 100 $200,000 Blue