Top Garrison Rank

Last Update Tuesday, March 18, 2025 12:45 PM (EST)

Rank Corp Alliance Garrison Rank Progress
1 Pirate Republic Pirate Republic Garrison XX 512
2 BAMF BAMF Garrison XX 5.84584
3 Elysian Fields Carnage Garrison XX 0.152329
4 The Brotherhood Garrison XX 0.0184052
5 Hitsquad4ever OPFOR Garrison XX 0.0146629
6 TheHIVE BAMF Garrison XX 0.0136129
7 Inner Conflict Garrison XX 0.0128252
8 MURK Carnage Garrison XX 0.0122476
9 Shadow Syndicate Garrison XX 0.00665291
10 Murder Inc Murder Inc Garrison XX 0.00589527
11 Venom Carnage Garrison XX 0.0055429
12 TQA TQA Garrison XX 0.00470289
13 The Degenerates Garrison XX 0.00442526
14 Special Forces Stoner Dissension Garrison XX 0.00397526
15 Assassins BrotherhoodOfSteel Garrison XX 0.00344289
16 TERRA OPFOR Garrison XX 0.00325526
17 Xenocide Xenocide Garrison XX 0.00317289
18 Insurgent The Aviary Garrison XX 0.00260289
19 The Dynasty Carnage Garrison XX 0.00251289
20 The WingNuts Carnage Garrison XX 0.00230289