Amcilla's Items

Name Fighter Category Rarity Level
Cursed ExcaliburCursed Excaliburnot equipped1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Spear of Absolute FrostMASTERWORKSpear of Absolute Frostnot equipped2-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Longsword of LightLongsword of Lightnot equipped1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
PaingiverPaingivernot equipped1-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)17
Shortbow of CorruptionShortbow of Corruptionnot equipped2-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Celestial Ice LongbowMASTERWORKCelestial Ice Longbownot equipped2-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Wand of Undying LightWand of Undying Lightnot equipped1-Hand Ranged Healing WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Empyrean Light FlaskEmpyrean Light Flasknot equipped1-Hand Healing WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Fetish of Endless ShockFetish of Endless Shocknot equipped1-Hand Magic Offhand WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Fetish of Astral ThunderFetish of Astral Thundernot equipped1-Hand Magic Offhand WeaponUltimate (R6)1
PlaguebringerPlaguebringernot equipped2-Hand Magic WeaponUltimate (R6)11
Radiant Wall ShieldRadiant Wall Shieldnot equippedShieldUltimate (R6)1
Absolute Mail of ArtificeAbsolute Mail of Artificenot equippedMail ArmorUltimate (R6)13
Infinite PlateInfinite Platenot equippedPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)2
Divine Diadem of LifeDivine Diadem of Lifenot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Divine Diadem of LifeDivine Diadem of Lifenot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Divine Diadem of LifeDivine Diadem of Lifenot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Divine Diadem of LifeDivine Diadem of Lifenot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Blood Drinker's CharmBlood Drinker's Charmnot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)7
Blood Drinker's CharmBlood Drinker's Charmnot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)7
Blood Drinker's CharmBlood Drinker's Charmnot equippedTrinketUltimate (R6)7
Ultimate Repair KitUltimate Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitUltimate (R6)20
Ultimate Repair KitUltimate Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitUltimate (R6)1
Transmute: SkeletonMASTERWORKTransmute: Skeletonnot equippedTransmute FighterUltimate (R6)20
Transmute: Fire GolemMASTERWORKTransmute: Fire Golemnot equippedTransmute FighterUltimate (R6)20
Transmute: SuccubusMASTERWORKTransmute: Succubusnot equippedTransmute FighterUltimate (R6)20
Perfect Arbalest of FocusPerfect Arbalest of Focusnot equipped2-Hand Ranged WeaponLegendary (R5)20
Strange Ornate MapStrange Ornate Mapnot equippedTreasure MapLegendary (R5)5
Strange Ornate MapStrange Ornate Mapnot equippedTreasure MapLegendary (R5)5
Major Repair KitMajor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitLegendary (R5)20
Major Repair KitMajor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitLegendary (R5)20
Major Repair KitMajor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitLegendary (R5)20
Major Repair KitMajor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitLegendary (R5)20
Major Repair KitMajor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitLegendary (R5)20
Tower Key, Floor 31Tower Key, Floor 31not equippedGate KeyLegendary (R5)1
Tower Key, Floor 32Tower Key, Floor 32not equippedGate KeyLegendary (R5)1
Judgement Throwing KnifeJudgement Throwing Knifenot equipped1-Hand Ranged WeaponHeroic (R4)20
The Life BladesThe Life Bladesnot equipped1-Hand Ranged WeaponHeroic (R4)15
Greatbow of AimingGreatbow of Aimingnot equipped2-Hand Ranged WeaponHeroic (R4)20
Glowing Embers WandGlowing Embers Wandnot equipped1-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponHeroic (R4)1
Formidable Flask of LifeFormidable Flask of Lifenot equipped1-Hand Healing WeaponHeroic (R4)1
Majestic RobesMajestic Robesnot equippedCloth ArmorHeroic (R4)1
Remarkable LeathersRemarkable Leathersnot equippedLeather ArmorHeroic (R4)20
Mail of VitalityMail of Vitalitynot equippedMail ArmorHeroic (R4)20
Remarkable MailRemarkable Mailnot equippedMail ArmorHeroic (R4)20
Minor Repair KitMinor Repair Kitnot equippedRepair KitHeroic (R4)5
Tower Key, Floor 30Tower Key, Floor 30not equippedGate KeyHeroic (R4)1
Tower Key, Floor 30Tower Key, Floor 30not equippedGate KeyHeroic (R4)1
Tower Key, Floor 30Tower Key, Floor 30not equippedGate KeyHeroic (R4)1
Tower Key, Floor 30Tower Key, Floor 30not equippedGate KeyHeroic (R4)1
Polished Tiara of HealthPolished Tiara of Healthnot equippedTrinketRare (R3)20
Massive Walnut StrongboxMassive Walnut Strongboxnot equippedTreasure ChestRare (R3)22
Massive Walnut StrongboxMassive Walnut Strongboxnot equippedTreasure ChestRare (R3)22
Studded Yew TrunkStudded Yew Trunknot equippedTreasure ChestRare (R3)6
Studded Yew TrunkStudded Yew Trunknot equippedTreasure ChestRare (R3)6
Large Small MapLarge Small Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)34
Dirty Treasure MapDirty Treasure Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)33
Tattered Treasure MapTattered Treasure Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)22
Tattered Treasure MapTattered Treasure Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)22
Tattered Treasure MapTattered Treasure Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)22
Tattered Treasure MapTattered Treasure Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)22
An Uninteresting MapAn Uninteresting Mapnot equippedTreasure MapRare (R3)5
Strong ClubStrong Clubnot equipped1-Hand Melee WeaponUncommon (R2)20
Greatsword of TruthGreatsword of Truthnot equipped2-Hand Melee WeaponUncommon (R2)20
Simple CrownSimple Crownnot equippedTrinketUncommon (R2)20
Plain Choker of AcidPlain Choker of Acidnot equippedTrinketUncommon (R2)20
500 XP Potion500 XP Potionnot equippedXP PotionUncommon (R2)1
Large Maple TrunkLarge Maple Trunknot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)34
Scorched Rosewood BoxScorched Rosewood Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)32
Large Eonoak TrunkLarge Eonoak Trunknot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)30
Strange Elm BoxStrange Elm Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)28
Strange Elm BoxStrange Elm Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)28
Strange Elm BoxStrange Elm Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)28
Strange Elm BoxStrange Elm Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)28
Strange Elm BoxStrange Elm Boxnot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)28
Banded Pinewood CofferBanded Pinewood Coffernot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)23
Studded Elm CofferStudded Elm Coffernot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)8
Studded Elm CofferStudded Elm Coffernot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)8
Ancient Eonoak CofferAncient Eonoak Coffernot equippedTreasure ChestUncommon (R2)4
Old Fragile MapOld Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)28
Old Fragile MapOld Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)28
Old Fragile MapOld Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)28
Runed Fragile MapRuned Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)2
Runed Fragile MapRuned Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)2
Runed Fragile MapRuned Fragile Mapnot equippedTreasure MapUncommon (R2)2
Poor ShortswordPoor Shortswordnot equipped1-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)20
Battered HalberdBattered Halberdnot equipped2-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)20
Old MaulOld Maulnot equipped2-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)20
Broken RobesBroken Robesnot equippedCloth ArmorCommon (R1)20
250 XP Potion250 XP Potionnot equippedXP PotionCommon (R1)1
250 XP Potion250 XP Potionnot equippedXP PotionCommon (R1)1
250 XP Potion250 XP Potionnot equippedXP PotionCommon (R1)1
Strange Ornate MapStrange Ornate Mapnot equippedTreasure MapCommon (R1)5
Wood x100Wood x100not equippedCrafting ResourceCommon (R1)1
Wood x100Wood x100not equippedCrafting ResourceCommon (R1)1
Crystals x4Crystals x4not equippedCrafting ResourceCommon (R1)1
Fists of Untamed FuryFists of Untamed FuryChevalier Herbert1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Meaty Fists of FrostMeaty Fists of FrostChevalier Herbert1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Peg LegPeg LegWirt1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)2
Absolute Poison RapierAbsolute Poison RapierWirt1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
DivinityDivinityAmcilla1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)2
SanctitySanctityAmcilla1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)2
Embers LongswordEmbers LongswordThe Knight Who Says Ni1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)20
The GodslayerThe GodslayerCasper the Destroyer1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Elysian Embers LongswordElysian Embers LongswordThe Daisy Justicar1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Longsword of MaliceLongsword of MaliceJade the Crestfallen1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)5
Supreme LongswordSupreme LongswordJade the Crestfallen1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)5
Longsword of StrengthLongsword of StrengthKirsten Dunst1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)5
Longsword of IchorLongsword of IchorKlouder the Unstable1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Longsword of CourageLongsword of CourageRimear the Monstrous1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Judgement LongswordJudgement LongswordRonin Pat1-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Unending Contagion MaulUnending Contagion MaulThe Bright Fisherman2-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)2
Eternal Corrosion MaulEternal Corrosion MaulMaggie the Mighty2-Hand Melee WeaponUltimate (R6)2
Eternal Fire JavelinEternal Fire JavelinLillian the Sin-eater2-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Celestial ShortbowCelestial ShortbowSister Blythe2-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)5
Divine LongbowDivine LongbowThe Unchaste Archer2-Hand Ranged WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Elysian Light WandElysian Light WandCrackpot Frederick1-Hand Ranged Healing WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Celestial Thunder WandCelestial Thunder WandWylie the Monster1-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Eternal Judgement FlaskEternal Judgement FlaskCrackpot Frederick1-Hand Healing WeaponUltimate (R6)20
Seraphic Cold SpellbookSeraphic Cold SpellbookLarge Mud Mound1-Hand Magic Offhand WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Elysian Shock SpellbookElysian Shock SpellbookWylie the Monster1-Hand Magic Offhand WeaponUltimate (R6)1
Infinite Wall ShieldInfinite Wall ShieldThe Knight Who Says NiShieldUltimate (R6)20
DefenderDefenderCasper the DestroyerShieldUltimate (R6)20
Unending Wall ShieldUnending Wall ShieldThe Daisy JusticarShieldUltimate (R6)20
Unending Wall ShieldUnending Wall ShieldKirsten DunstShieldUltimate (R6)5
Wall Shield of StaminaWall Shield of StaminaKlouder the UnstableShieldUltimate (R6)1
Boundless Wall ShieldBoundless Wall ShieldRimear the MonstrousShieldUltimate (R6)1
The AegisThe AegisRonin PatShieldUltimate (R6)1
Endless RobesEndless RobesCrackpot FrederickCloth ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Endless RobesEndless RobesHe Who Is BeautifulCloth ArmorUltimate (R6)3
Immortal RobesImmortal RobesThree-Fingers QuincyCloth ArmorUltimate (R6)1
Absolute RobesAbsolute RobesWylie the MonsterCloth ArmorUltimate (R6)1
Divine Leathers of TruthDivine Leathers of TruthThe Unchaste ArcherLeather ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Leathers of ProtectionLeathers of ProtectionWirtLeather ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Leathers of DeflectionLeathers of DeflectionSister BlytheLeather ArmorUltimate (R6)5
Endless MailEndless MailJade the CrestfallenMail ArmorUltimate (R6)5
Empyrean MailEmpyrean MailRonin PatMail ArmorUltimate (R6)2
Infinite Plate of HealthInfinite Plate of HealthThe Knight Who Says NiPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)20
The SupremeThe SupremeCasper the DestroyerPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Plate of AegisPlate of AegisLillian the Sin-eaterPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Infinite PlateInfinite PlateThe Daisy JusticarPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)20
Divine Plate of StaminaDivine Plate of StaminaKirsten DunstPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)5
Celestial PlateCelestial PlateAmcillaPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)2
Boundless PlateBoundless PlateThe Bright FishermanPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)2
Divine PlateDivine PlateKlouder the UnstablePlate ArmorUltimate (R6)1
Astral PlateAstral PlateRimear the MonstrousPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)1
Immortal PlateImmortal PlateMaggie the MightyPlate ArmorUltimate (R6)1
Magical ClamshellMagical ClamshellThe Unchaste ArcherTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Supreme TiaraSupreme TiaraLillian the Sin-eaterTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Boundless Charm of FlameBoundless Charm of FlameWirtTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Unending BroochUnending BroochWylie the MonsterTrinketUltimate (R6)20
Jordan's StoneJordan's StoneCrackpot FrederickTrinketUltimate (R6)3
Crown of the KingCrown of the KingAmcillaTrinketUltimate (R6)1
The ScreamerThe ScreamerTerminus the Wyrd1-Hand Melee WeaponHeroic (R4)2
Longsword of AssaultLongsword of AssaultShe Who Bathes1-Hand Melee WeaponHeroic (R4)1
Vicious Light HammerVicious Light HammerCoyote Who Blows Wind2-Hand Melee WeaponHeroic (R4)1
The DeflectorThe DeflectorTerminus the WyrdShieldHeroic (R4)2
Thorium ArmorThorium ArmorTerminus the WyrdPlate ArmorHeroic (R4)1
Plate of AttackPlate of AttackCoyote Who Blows WindPlate ArmorHeroic (R4)1
Weird Alien ArtifactWeird Alien ArtifactTerminus the WyrdTrinketHeroic (R4)1
Enruned SpearEnruned SpearHe Who Is Beautiful2-Hand Melee WeaponRare (R3)1
Leathers of StaminaLeathers of StaminaShe Who BathesLeather ArmorRare (R3)3
Fine BandFine BandHe Who Is BeautifulTrinketRare (R3)3
Polished MedallionPolished MedallionCoyote Who Blows WindTrinketRare (R3)1
Strong LongbowStrong LongbowCruel Vexala'mal2-Hand Ranged WeaponUncommon (R2)5
Fetish of CorruptionFetish of CorruptionShe Who Bathes1-Hand Magic Offhand WeaponUncommon (R2)3
Basic LeathersBasic LeathersCruel Vexala'malLeather ArmorUncommon (R2)5
Crude DaggerCrude DaggerBoden the Tellurian1-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)1
Old LongswordOld LongswordBartender Sally1-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)19
Weak LanceWeak LanceShe Who Speaks1-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)1
Battered LanceBattered LanceSkortid the Combusting1-Hand Melee WeaponCommon (R1)1
Damaged LongbowDamaged LongbowBrother Jake*2-Hand Ranged WeaponCommon (R1)8
Broken LongbowBroken LongbowOyster Bob2-Hand Ranged WeaponCommon (R1)1
Corruption WandCorruption WandLarge Mud Mound1-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponCommon (R1)1
Scratched Staff of IceScratched Staff of IceEbenezer the Large*2-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponCommon (R1)1
Corruption StaffCorruption StaffMerciless Max*2-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponCommon (R1)1
Scratched Venom StaffScratched Venom StaffThree-Fingers Quincy2-Hand Ranged Magic WeaponCommon (R1)1
Cheap Parry DaggerCheap Parry DaggerBoden the Tellurian1-Hand Defensive Offhand WeaponCommon (R1)1
Primitive Kite ShieldPrimitive Kite ShieldShe Who SpeaksShieldCommon (R1)1
Weak Kite ShieldWeak Kite ShieldSkortid the CombustingShieldCommon (R1)1
Poor Wall ShieldPoor Wall ShieldBartender SallyShieldCommon (R1)19
Worn RobesWorn RobesLarge Mud MoundCloth ArmorCommon (R1)1
Damaged RobesDamaged RobesMerciless Max*Cloth ArmorCommon (R1)1
Battered LeathersBattered LeathersBrother Jake*Leather ArmorCommon (R1)8
Crude LeathersCrude LeathersBoden the TellurianLeather ArmorCommon (R1)1
Dank LeathersDank LeathersOyster BobLeather ArmorCommon (R1)1
Rotting MailRotting MailShe Who SpeaksMail ArmorCommon (R1)1
Damaged MailDamaged MailSkortid the CombustingMail ArmorCommon (R1)1
Damaged PlateDamaged PlateBartender SallyPlate ArmorCommon (R1)19
Damaged PlateDamaged PlateChevalier HerbertPlate ArmorCommon (R1)1
Fractured BeadsFractured BeadsThe Knight Who Says NiTrinketCommon (R1)20
Chipped TiaraChipped TiaraThe Daisy JusticarTrinketCommon (R1)20
Cracked RingCracked RingShe Who BathesTrinketCommon (R1)2
Cracked TiaraCracked TiaraMerciless Max*TrinketCommon (R1)1