Corruptor I

Common Weapon
Credit Value: $2,450
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-0.2s Movement Cooldown
+2 Critical Chance
+1% Critical Damage
+4 Hit Chance
+1.2% Damage

Item Score:  1
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Uncommon Weapon
Credit Value: $38,600
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-0.4s Movement Cooldown
+4 Critical Chance
+2% Critical Damage
+8 Hit Chance
+2.4% Damage

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  13
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $129,900
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-0.6s Movement Cooldown
+6 Critical Chance
+3% Critical Damage
+12 Hit Chance
+3.6% Damage

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  44
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Ultra-Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $307,600
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-0.8s Movement Cooldown
+8 Critical Chance
+4% Critical Damage
+16 Hit Chance
+4.8% Damage

Requires Level 15

Item Score:  103
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $600,500
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-1s Movement Cooldown
+10 Critical Chance
+5% Critical Damage
+20 Hit Chance
+6% Damage

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  201
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Precursor Weapon
Credit Value: $1,037,400
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-1.2s Movement Cooldown
+12 Critical Chance
+6% Critical Damage
+24 Hit Chance
+7.2% Damage

Requires Level 25

Item Score:  346
Faction: Rift
Corruptor I

Ultimate Weapon
Credit Value: $1,647,100
124 to 248 Damage / 17 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-1.4s Movement Cooldown
+14 Critical Chance
+7% Critical Damage
+28 Hit Chance
+8.4% Damage

Requires Level 30

Item Score:  550
Faction: Rift